We are living in very challenging times.
There is a significant threat to our lives, our health and our well-being.
Huge restrictions have been placed upon us and many - such as parents and health-workers — are feeling completely overwhelmed.
Financially, almost all of us know that we are going to be negatively effected.
In times such as these, it is completely normal to be feeling anxious.
Most of us are feeling scared.
Many are feeling overwhelmed.
Still others feel a deep sense of insecurity and a sense of loss of control.
At such times, we need support.
This group aims to provide a forum for you:
to feel the comforting support of a group
in which you can talk safely and openly about your feelings
and in which you can learn numerous helpful coping skills
Starting on 2nd April 2020, the group will take place online weekly on Thursdays at 4.00pm and will last 90 minutes.
The cost is R250 per person and the group will be limited to 8 people.
If you are interested, please email me via this link: